Cariant Blog

The Long List of Travel Therapist Tips – Part Two

Travel Therapy

The second post in our Cariant traveler tip series. More helpful advice from new to experienced traveling therapists. 41. “Never stop learning! Take away something from each assignment to keep in your little ‘clinician toolbox’.” – Derek S., PT

The Long List of Travel Therapist Tips – Part One

Travel Therapy

From witty to wise, Cariant travelers share their best advice. 1. “Ask questions! As a traveler you are at an advantage because the client needs your help, but at a disadvantage because you usually only have a single phone screen to base your decision upon. So, ask whatever questions you want, including those about billing,

Making the Most of Travel

Travel Therapy

This month we asked Cariant travelers to send us their best traveler tips. We weren’t surprised that many of them confirmed what we’ve said before (see “The Happiness Investment“) – that taking time to find new experiences is important.

5 Holiday Tech Gift Ideas for Travel Therapists

Travel Therapy

Once December hits, the thought of purchasing more gifts can be overwhelming. Here’s a handy list of traveler gift ideas for any last-minute shoppers you know.

Travel Therapy: The Happiness Investment

Travel Therapy

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Happiness. It’s a “big” word. Many factors go into it. Friends, health and work to name a few. Job satisfaction is a big part of that

Travel Contracts Over the Holidays

Travel Therapy

As the end of October draws closer, now is a good time to plan out contracts that fall over the holiday season. It’s okay to request vacation time during a contract. Make your recruiter aware of any vacation time you’ll need, as the facility will take that into consideration. While it is typical to include

Remember These Three Things

Travel Therapy

The upsides to travel therapy may have you caught up in the excitement of securing your first travel contract. But first, consider these three things before you pack your bags and hit the road. Ask about the cancellation notice Cariant enters into contracts with both the client the traveler, which may be cancelled by any

What to know before you pick a travel company

Travel Therapy

Students entering in demanding fields like physical and occupational therapy can expect to be courted after graduation by recruiters from all over the country. It’s a great thing to be so wanted so soon after securing your license, but the volume of calls and emails can be overwhelming. Knowing how to sift through the noise

Do you hear wedding bells? Time to start traveling!

Travel Therapy

If you’ve recently gotten engaged, or are thinking about taking that next step in life, it might surprise you that now is the best time to seek travel assignments.

4 Reasons You Should Call Us

Travel Therapy

We hear it at almost every career fair and trade show: “What makes you different from other travel companies?” It’s a great question, and one you should ask every travel company you come across. Questions like this are the best way to narrow down a large list of travel therapy companies to the ones you