Cariant Blog

Mapping the Future of Travel Healthcare: Trends and Opportunities


The world of travel nursing and travel therapy is constantly evolving, influenced by healthcare advancements, aging populations and changing patient needs. At Cariant Health Partners, we’re dedicated to staying ahead of the trends by ensuring our travel professionals are prepared to excel. Here are some key trends and opportunities in travel healthcare that you should

Adventures in Travel Nursing | Shelly Sharp

News • Nursing • Travel Nursing • Travel Topics

In healthcare, where schedules are bustling, locations are ever-changing and patient care is paramount, building lasting connections can sometimes feel like a luxury. But for Shelly Sharp — a seasoned travel nurse at Cariant Health Partners with a heart for adventure and a knack for collecting friends — every assignment is an opportunity to build

10 Reasons To Consider a Healthcare Travel Career


Whether you’re a seasoned healthcare professional or a new graduate, there are many things to consider before accepting a job: Does it meet your personal or family needs? Is the compensation acceptable? Is the location desirable? When you’re considering taking your healthcare career on the road, there are even more factors at play. We’ve compiled

When is the Right Time to Consider Travel Therapy?


It’s a well-debated topic regarding travel therapy: at what point in your therapy career should you consider travel options? While it ultimately comes down to personal circumstances, when reviewing the journeys of thousands of different travelers we’ve worked with over the past two decades, it’s clear that any point in a therapy career can be

Tax Tips for Healthcare Travelers


It is that time of year again – tax season. Understanding taxes can be hard enough, but when you add in the tax advantages of travel healthcare — along with the many stipulations that go with them — it can become even more confusing at times. At Cariant, we are not tax experts, nor do

Traveler’s Guide to Compliance: Why it Matters to You


The Traveler’s Guide to Compliance: Why It Matters to You Hello, dedicated travelers! As you embark on your exciting journeys to new healthcare assignments, there’s a very important part of your profession that’s often overlooked but so significant: compliance. In this blog post, we’ll chat about what compliance is, why it’s so necessary for your

Travel Housing Ft. Jessica Foster – Housing Coordinator


Making the Most of Your Travel Housing: From a Housing Coordinator  If you’re a medical professional embarking on a temporary assignment, securing suitable travel housing is a crucial aspect of your journey. Whether you’re a travel nurse, local tenants’ provider, or working on any short-term project, where you stay can greatly impact your overall experience. With

Brenda Kemling Elected President of APTA Iowa

Cariant Team • Culture • News • Occupational Therapy • Physical Therapy • Therapy • Travel Therapy • Travel Topics

Brenda Kemling Elected President of APTA Iowa In a significant development for the physical therapy community in Iowa, Brenda Kemling, PT, DPT, OCS, has been elected as the President of APTA Iowa. Brenda, who serves as RehabVisions’ Director of Operations – Outpatient Clinics, is no stranger to leadership roles and brings a wealth of experience

Cartoon animals with a barn in the background and text reading 'How Travelers Impact Rural Healthcare'

How Travelers Impact Rural Healthcare

News • Travel Nursing • Travel Therapy • Travel Topics

At Cariant, our commitment to making a difference in the lives of patients and healthcare providers is at the core of our mission. We believe that travel healthcare professionals play an essential role in rural communities, addressing unique challenges and improving overall healthcare outcomes. As a leading healthcare staffing agency, we strive to facilitate connections

Tax Tips for Travelers

Allied • Nursing • Travel Topics

It is that time of year again – TAX SEASON. Understanding your taxes is hard enough, but when you add in the tax advantages of travel healthcare, along with the stipulations that go with them, it becomes downright confusing at times. At Cariant, we are not tax experts, nor do we intend to become them.