Three Tips for Travel Therapists
These three quick tips are just a few things you can keep in mind to make your travel therapy assignment better. Take things as they come There’s a reason phrases like “go with the flow” and “make lemonade out of lemons” continue to get thrown around—it’s solid advice. Not all travel assignments are perfect and you may
Travel Nursing: Taking Care of Yourself on Contract
While on a travel nurse contract, don’t get so busy taking care of others and enjoying your temporary home that you forget to take care of yourself. We’ve provided some quick reminders about diet, fitness and stress, and we encourage you to learn more using the below resources. Healthy travel nurses are happy travel nurses!
Travel Nursing: Before You Go
What to know before you go and sign a travel nurse contract: Know Your Contract Cariant signs contracts with both client and traveler, and while extremely rare, signed contracts may be cancelled by the client for situations outside our control. Ask your recruiter to uncover specifics on the client out-clause before taking the position. Read
Four Quick Tips to Manage Stress
Newbie travel therapist or experienced traveler, we can all experience different levels of stress that sneak up on us for a variety of reasons. Like money, holidays or new environments. It’s important to take care of yourself while traveling (especially on solo assignments), and watch for signs of stress. If you do find yourself feeling
Travel Nurse Interview: Cindi
At Cariant Health Partners we work with a lot of amazing travel nurses. This month we interviewed travel nurse Cindi H., who is just completing her very first travel assignment. How/when did you catch the travel bug? I had heard of travel nursing about 10 years ago and thought it would be a great way
Travel Therapist Testimonial
We receive a lot of wonderful feedback from our travelers about their experience with Cariant and their Cariant recruiters. This testimonial letter from a stellar travel PT just hits the spot. If you’ve been hesitant about travel therapy we hope this letter gives you the confidence to take an additional step toward travel. Have questions
Housing Resources
Depending on what area of the country you are traveling to, you might find a wider range of housing options besides apartments and long-term stay units. Look for all-season cabin rentals, RV parks or call around to local realtors. Many realty companies offer rentals, sometimes unadvertised, and are an excellent traveler resource since realtors are
Meet us at TravCon!
We are Vegas bound! Cariant is heading out to Las Vegas for the Traveler’s Conference, held September 13-15.
The Perks of Off-Season Travel Locations
As you end your summer travel contract, consider your next location carefully. September start date contracts could land you in less desirable weather as November begins and potentially less-enjoyable situations if you extend an additional 13 weeks through the winter. This, it turns out, isn’t that bad of a plan! Before you migrate south for
Ask These Questions Before Finalizing Your Housing
Temporary housing is one of the more important things to line up before starting a travel assignment. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding on a temporary residence. As an overall rule, always explain who you are and why you require short-term housing. Explaining that you are a medical professional coming to