Cariant Blog

Why Work For Travel?

Travel Nursing

We recently asked our travel nurses to answer the question, “What do you love about travel?” Their answers ranged from short-and-sweet and concisely accurate to an ode to recruiters. Here are a few of the responses: “I love traveling because I love to meet new people, new surroundings and most of all I get to

Travel Nursing: It Is and Isn’t All About the Money

Travel Nursing

Money is a major incentive in the world of travel nursing. Even so, try not to make money the ONLY consideration when deciding whether to start a travel career or when weighing two different contracts. Money matters, but travel nursing should never be all about the money. Consider these three things as well: Cultures of

How to Become a Travel Nurse

Travel Nursing

Unlike travel therapy, nurses need a few years of experience under their belt before clients are likely to consider them for travel staffing needs. One Year vs. Two Years Two years is best, but you can be submitted for consideration with one year of experience. The two years will make you more marketable in competitive

Answered: Why Work For Travel?

Travel Therapy

We recently asked our travelers to answer the question, “What do you love about travel?” Their answers ranged from short-and-sweet and concisely accurate to an ode to everything we love about travel ourselves. Here are a few of the responses:

Travel Nurse Interview: Lisa

Travel Nursing

At Cariant Health Partners we work with a lot of amazing travel nurses. This month we interviewed travel nurse Lisa P., currently enjoying life with her husband around Nashville. When did you catch the travel bug? Back in August 2015, my husband and I had discussed travel nursing to make our five-year plan attainable. The

Cariant on Spotify: Sara

Cariant Team

We know it’s hard to filter through the noise (other travel therapy companies, other recruiters, just… other) and find what resonates. So we’re giving you another way to get to know Cariant Health Partners–through music. Our new Spotify playlist is courtesy of our Social Marketing Manager.

Hot Travel Therapy Locations for Spring

Travel Therapy

Where will you be this March/April? There are a lot of places in the country that make for a beautiful spring season. Consider these three locations: Washington, DC With a surplus of year-round attractions to visit in Washington, DC, one could certainly use 13 weeks to take in all that our country’s capital has to

Rural Travel Nursing

Travel Nursing

Lately I have come across comments in travel nursing forums and social media groups about how people don’t want to travel to any small, out-of-the-way and “never heard of that place before” towns. I realize travel itself is of course the main allure to travel nursing, but there are a lot of places to explore

Cariant on Spotify: Travelers & Wanderlust 2.0

Cariant Team

Last year we talked a bit about how difficult it is to filter through all the noise (other travel companies, other recruiters, just… other) and find what resonates. We introduced another way to get to know Cariant Health Partners, and our team, a little better–through music! Different genres play out from all corners of our

2016 Travel Therapy Predictions

Travel Therapy

Cariant Health Partners has been helping physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and assistants find travel therapy work for 14 years. In that time, one constant has been a growing need for travel therapists across every discipline in almost every state. Here’s what you can look forward to this year.