Kim Dugan
Compliance ManagerGet to know Kim
What would we do without Kim? She has worked in the compliance field since 1993, and as our Compliance Manager, she is definitely the “go-to” gal at Cariant. Kim enjoys getting to know our travelers and helping them prepare for assignments. Like our active travelers, she loves to travel and welcomes a good adventure. She is married with two grown children, two bonus daughters and three grandsons that fills her weekends with lots of love and laughter.
My favorite quote is from Maya Angelou: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” I always try to see the positives, not only in people but also in any situation. I think about this quote when a traveler is on an assignment that may not be their ideal situation. Approaching a challenging situation with the right attitude can influence positive changes. Always look for the good!
Check out Kim's blog posts

Traveler Questions Answered: Drug Screens
Travel Topics
From US Drug Test Centers: How to Avoid a Dilute Specimen It is always best to go for a urine collection first thing in the morning because your urine is fresh and not likely dilute. Do not drink extra water because you are afraid of not being able to produce urine at your drug test

Travelers Have Options for Housing
Most travelers will need to find a place to hang their hat while on assignment. The good news is that there are a lot of options and housing ads out there.