Recruiter Relationships

Two recruiters from our team visiting travelers near the ocean.

Two former college football players, a Texas OT and nurse, and an OT and PT from Nebraska walk into a bar…it sounds like the start of a bad joke. That’s the joy of travel healthcare though, the most amazing people with a wide variety of backgrounds can collide around a common cause: meeting a need

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Travel Therapy: The Happiness Investment

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Happiness. It’s a “big” word. Many factors go into it. Friends, health and work to name a few. Job satisfaction is a big part of that

Travel Therapy

Travel Contracts Over the Holidays

As the end of October draws closer, now is a good time to plan out contracts that fall over the holiday season. It’s okay to request vacation time during a contract. Make your recruiter aware of any vacation time you’ll need, as the facility will take that into consideration. While it is typical to include

Travel Therapy