Travel Nursing
Find the support you deserve on the road.
When you have a recruiter in your corner who is fully-focused on getting to know you, understanding your needs and wants, and creating a recruiter-traveler relationship that lasts you can do great things for yourself; and for your patients. We’re here to help you do that, so you can find joy in new experiences every 13 weeks. You’ll have a partner in your travel nurse career. In fact, many of our nurses travel with the same recruiter for years because of our commitment.
Working with a smaller, boutique travel agency means you get the time and dedication you deserve. Your recruiter works with a smaller number of nurses, so they’re able to check in frequently and respond quickly when you need help. You’ll have a Devoted Recruiter to find assignments that meet your needs, who works hard to personalize your experience and who matches you with facilities that are a great fit. Cariant recruiters make you a priority, contract after contract, regardless of where in the U.S. you travel.
New to travel nursing? We’d love to help you begin your travel nurse career.
Whether you’re eager for new experiences, professional growth or bigger paychecks there’s never a bad time or reason to start a travel nurse career. We’ll guide you through what it takes to get started, including your credentialing portfolio (something you’ll want to keep updated and with you on the road), and answer any questions you may have. There’s a lot to know, but we’ve got you covered.
Start by talking to a Devoted Recruiter about your desired locations and settings. Share the states you’re most interested in and the goals—personal and professional—you’re looking to meet. Find contracts that meet your needs, and get help with housing, licensure and compliance paperwork. In a short while you’ll have all the knowledge and support to confidently get on the road to your first travel nurse contract.
Let's get started
Browse our jobs for ones that meet your needs and apply for what looks good. We'll be in touch to talk about what you're looking for and walk you through all the steps to start a travel nurse contract—from credentialing to interviewing and getting you there on time.
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Devoted Recruiters
Recruiter-traveler relationships based on trust, care and a personal touch. A friend you’ll want to work with contract after contract, year after year.
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Traveler Tips: Resumes
Travel Nursing
My recruiter asked me to send in my resume. What information should I include? Recruiters take the information provided on your resume and use it to populate your candidate profile, so the resume format isn’t especially important. It’s providing complete information that is most helpful. At a minimum, we recommend providing the following information on

How to Research Your Next Contract Location
Travel Nursing
Maybe you’ve had this happen during a vacation. You’re excited to experience a new place. You’ve heard about the views or the nightlife or the culture. You have a general idea of what you’ll do to enjoy the area once you arrive. And you’ve booked a place to stay. Awesome! And then you get there

Three Things to Increase Your Chances of Getting a Travel Nurse Contract
Travel Nursing
RECENT EXPERIENCE The best thing you can do is only ask your recruiter to submit you to travel contracts for which you are the most qualified. That means sticking to the specialty you’ve been working in most recently. Facilities looking to bring on travel nurses want them to be ready to “hit the ground running.”
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