Travel Forecast for 2014

As experts in the area of travel therapy, we put together some thoughts about what we foresee in the industry for 2014. Overall, things look positive in 2014.

While 2013 was a bit bumpy with Obamacare and other changes with Medicare, things seem to be smoothing with a steady incline. With that said, there will be jobs, but you have to be ready—license in hand and credentials done.

PTA and COTA jobs are really coming around with more opportunities, and SLP has picked up tremendously. As always, PT and OT are bountiful.

The states where we have the most jobs are Pennsylvania, Texas, Iowa, Minnesota, California, New Jersey and pockets in Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire. We’re also seeing needs in states where we used to not—Georgia, Utah and New Mexico.

As always, Cariant welcomes (and daresay embraces) new grads. If you graduated in December and are not ready to settle, consider travel. We’ll walk you through the whole process, provided you with mentorship, and be in weekly, if not daily, contact with you while you’re on assignment.

We’re excited for a great year in the business of travel therapy. Contact us if you want to talk about the possibility. There are so many advantages to it, and why not resolve to do something exciting?