These three quick tips are just a few things you can keep in mind to make your travel therapy assignment better.
Take things as they come
There’s a reason phrases like “go with the flow” and “make lemonade out of lemons” continue to get thrown around—it’s solid advice. Not all travel assignments are perfect and you may experience challenges. Whatever the issue, you’re better off letting it slide off your back. Try your hardest to take nothing personally. Be friendly, helpful and do what you signed up to do. In 13 weeks you’ll be on to the next place and those irks are left behind you.
Lose the stuff
If you haven’t read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, by Marie Kondo, we definitely recommend it! It’s an interesting and relatively short read. While the book is meant for your permanent residence, the high-level point is relevant to travel therapists. You don’t need a ton of “stuff” on assignment to be happy, especially when you have to pack up and move maybe four times a year. Cut down on the clothing, chachkies and heavier items that take up valuable space. Travel with the possessions that make you happiest and serve a purpose. When packing up to move on to the next assignment, if you feel overwhelmed by all your “stuff,” consider doing an item check and donating excess, or what doesn’t bring you joy, to Goodwill or a local shelter.
Don’t stay “home”
There are an abundance of opportunities to meet new friends outside of work. Ask for recommendations for local eateries and shops, special events, community classes or fitness classes. Chances are someone you meet at one of those places will introduce you to more about your temporary community.
It’s also a good idea to make a physical list of nearby attractions, museums, national parks, etc. that you want to visit during your stay. Having a visual will help you plan your downtime so you are optimizing free time for new experiences. The ability to get out and experience new things in different parts of the country is one of the biggest perks of travel therapist jobs—so set yourself up for success in that area with each assignment.