3 Things We Love About Traveling Healthcare Professionals

We think our group of traveling healthcare professionals is pretty great. Probably because we often find them among the categories below:

Travelers Who Go Above and Beyond

We celebrate internally with monthly Cariant Kudos, recognizing team members and travelers for kind acts or achievements. Inevitably, the words “went above and beyond” are included more than a handful of times in kudos submissions. Working with healthcare professionals, that is no surprise! It’s in our natures to be of service. And we appreciate those extra efforts as much as the facilities and patients. We’ve had travelers receive Daisy Award nominations and recognition nominations specific to their current hospital. Sometimes a patient feels so strongly about the care they received that we’ll even get a testimonial letter delivered here to our home office.

Travelers Who Take Flexibility to Heart

We know those travelers who can roll with the punches and take roadblocks in stride have internalized the travel principle of flexibility. Maintaining an open mind when planning upcoming travel assignments makes the process easier for all parties involved. We greatly appreciate that we work with travelers who’ve learned to go with the flow and trust that their best interests are always on our mind.

Travelers Who Are Expert Communicators

Communication is a valuable soft skill for traveling professionals. Being able to jump into a new situation every 13 weeks and communicate effectively with new managers, staff members and patients not only is appreciated by the facility but helps each assignment start off smoothly. And strong recruiter-traveler relationships with solid and consistent (usually weekly check-ins) communication is what will keep you supported and successful while on the road. The more assignments travelers work, the stronger we see their communication skills become.


What do you think has become your best trait from traveling professionally?